Wednesday, July 2, 2014

One of those mornings

Today is just one of those days! A starts to cry anytime I attempt to take off her favorite princess nightgown. It looks like it is going to be pj day in this house. M is crying anytime he sees the ipad and mommy will not let him play his favorite COW game. Between all the tears we dropped C off for his drivers ed driving session, J headed off to soccer camp, L went with Eric to spend the day over at my parents house while they wait for soccer camp to end. I am on a search for my car keys that I somehow lost from the garage to the kitchen-ugh!

In between the morning chaos I thought today would be a great time to let the twins paint! Not sure what I was thinking. They loved it, I loved seeing those sweet smiles :) The clean up, not so much. A remembered I had taken off her nightgown while washing her hands and started to cry hysterical until I could get it back on her. M decided to finger paint everything he could reach on the way to the kitchen sink.

 It is 10:30, Mickey Mouse clubhouse is now on and we will be heading out early to pick up C from his driving course just so we can hit the McDonalds drive thru for lunch! Yes, it is going to be one of the days but as long as these two are smiling it will be a good day!!!


  1. Goodness Gracious. I am right there with you, sister. It's crazytown here too!

  2. I think it is these summer days, their schedule is really off! I did finally find my keys, in only took one week and a reward of $10
