Saturday, March 12, 2016

This boy!!

Some of my favorite pictures of our littlest one...He has his own personality! He is definitely our most strong willed child but boy does he smile! He is very passionate about his soccer. He has to wear a soccer jersey every day! He always has a ball near him. As soon as Abby is finished watching

Dating my husband

A sweet twin mama always post pictures about dating her husband, I love that idea.  When the twins were infants and toddlers we would take time out and have date night at home. This year my goal is to get out once a month. It is still hard to find time between all the soccer practices, school activities, Eric's work/coaching schedule, and weekend soccer tournaments but we are going to try!

Goodbye Feb and winter, Hello March and Spring!!

Winter is almost over, YAY!!! This past week the weather has been perfect, 70's during the day even one day hit 80! We have been outside every single day! We are all ready for the spring and summer time temperatures!.

February Recap...
I find these two together every day during rest time!

Luke and Basketball

Luke was so excited to play basketball at the local Y league. He was able to play with several of his soccer buddies and one of his old preschool friends.

Abby and Valentine's Day!

This girl loves Valentine's Day. A holiday all about telling people she loves them, perfect!  I can not count the number of Valentine cards and special presents she made for people. Her eyes would light up passing out each one. This girl has so much love in her.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Valentine's Day 2016

Valentine's Day family picture. Taken before Caleb crawled back into bed with a fever.