Friday, April 26, 2019

So that is what is wrong with him...

Seriously, I could not believe what had come out of this guys mouth standing behind me at

To begin, After a trip to the library we ventured out to Matthew's favorite place Chick-fil-a. We were standing in line and a guy saw that Matthew had on Manchester United and Liverpool. He proceeded to let me know that I should not allow Matthew to wear both at the same time. Ummm thanks for the advice. Now I get it, and believe me when I say Eric has had to learn to deal with this at home. But Matthew is Matthew, he LOVES European soccer and wears ALL the teams jerseys. He now has his favorites but he still supports all teams. This Guy could not let it go. After letting me know I should not allow him to wear them together he went on to say that Matthew's dad needs to do a better job in helping Matthew select just one team. I thanked him and said Matthew is into all soccer and we let him pick out what he wears. I seriously think this guy was twitching with the thought of the two teams together. I did not even want to ask which club he supported, I just told him I am sure one day he will have his favorite. The conversation carried on, he was very passionate that we were failing as parents by allowing our child to wear both, finally I said Matthew has autism and he loves everything about soccer and enjoys wearing all the teams. And here it comes...
                        SO THAT IS WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM!
 Are you kidding me, because my child has autism that is what is wrong with him. NO that is not what is wrong with him, that is what makes him incredible. He could care less about having to have a favorite, can't a kid just love the sport. I wanted to go on that my kid probably had more knowledge of European soccer then he did. He saw my face and started trying to correct what he meant. It was too late, the words were out and I was crushed. Thankfully the line had moved and we went on to order (I got it to go) and we left.

Sadly this happens more then it should. People want to share their opinion. I was very understanding on the wearing two teams at once, we get it but when someone so casually says autism is what is wrong with your child, ugh, I am at a loss for words.  This is why I want to spread awareness.

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