Thursday, October 31, 2013

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Midweek Randoms

(and the ears come off)
1. We had our first attempt with the twins Halloween costumes. C was off from school on Monday so I hired him as my personal assistant to try to help me get the twins to sit together. No such luck! Maybe on Halloween we will be more successful!! I did get some great photos of Minnie and Mickey by cute are these two!! A gets excited every time she sees her Minnie costume, love it. M is not too sure, once the costume is on he is off to play.

2. M made it through an entire soccer game with no tears or screams! Yay! It helped that we stayed off in the corner away from all the parents. I miss hanging out with the other parents but if it means being able to watch an entire soccer game we will take it.

3. I love this picture of the twins, it really shows how they are out of the baby stage and are busy little toddlers.

4. L had his first pep rally this past Friday. He was so excited to come home to tell us all about receiving the academic and citizenship award. I just love that boy and his personality. This picture was one he posted on his instagram page. He cracks us up!

5. C had his homecoming this past weekend, I hope to have a post all on that finished this weekend :)

6. Yesterday I took A down to the bus stop to meet J. The excitement on her face when she saw her big brother was priceless.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Goodbye Sweet Willie

March 6, 1997-October 26,2014
I am heartbroken. It is so sad to even type the words that our sweet dog passed away Saturday morning. My little mini dachshund. He was our first baby. Eric and I were married in Feb of 1997, by March we were ready for our first puppy. My mom knew someone who had a litter of puppies, by April we were officially a family. We named Willie after Willie Wonka. Eric loved that movie and Willie had the most beautiful chocolate colored fur.

 That little guy would forget he was a small dog. He had no problem playing rough with the big dogs. His favorite pastime as a puppy was to chew up the carpet. He also was a barker. He would bark just to make sure you knew he was down there. His favorite place to sit was on the arm of the couch. He would watch out the window all day long. 

When we first brought him home Eric was working the night shift so I would have Willie sleep in the bed with me. That never changed. Every time I was pregnant Willie would lay in front of my stomach like he was protecting the baby. If I had to roll over he would growl as he slowly moved all over the bed to take his place back in front of me. My sweet protector.

Snakes! Willie's other favorite pastime was searching our yard for snakes and he seemed to find every one of them.  I will miss my little snake catcher :(

When the twins first came home from the hospital we could tell Willie was not doing well. He stopped eating for a few days and we just knew it was getting time. Some friends of ours came over one night with amazing ribs, potatoes, and more...we decided that night we would try one last time to get him to eat. That dog ate every bite. Any time we would go to feed him he would turn his nose until we gave him the good stuff. We always say those ribs gave Willie the will to live another year.

This past week we really knew it was time. His body was becoming more frail and he could not see well. Even though we knew it was coming it is still so hard. For almost 17 years this sweet dog has been at my feet. For 17 years there has been a constant bark in this house. I have not been able to stop crying. I cried walking down the dog food aisle in Target, I cry driving home knowing he won't be there. I cry when I look at the fence.

I know he lived he a good long life and it was time to let him go....I miss you my sweet Willie, we will always love you.
My sweet Willie
Best Buddies
Caleb and Willie

Joshua and Willie
Luke and Willie

Willie meeting the twins

My Florida dog, he never liked the cold!!
Goodbye Sweet Willie!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Pumpkin Patch

When the kids came home from school on Friday we packed up the car and headed to the pumpkin patch. As soon as we arrived we took our annual family picture before we let the twins down to run. All of the boys helped the twins pick out their special pumpkins then went off to find their pumpkins.
M loved running around trying to pull every pumpkin down.
A of course wanted to put the pumpkins on the ground and kick them.
L had to pick out the most different shaped pumpkin he could find.
J patiently walked around until he found the perfect one.
C was too busy laughing at the twins to pick out a special one this year, he grabbed a small one on his way out.
I loved watching each of them pick out their special pumpkins and seeing the smiles on their faces.

First attempt to get a picture together before we head off to the pumpkin patch!

This boy is so good with his siblings!

I love M's hand holding on so tight to C's jacket!

M running to show Daddy and A what pumpkin he picked out!

I think A picked out a bigger pumpkin :)

I love M's smile in this picture-pure happiness!!

Time for pumpkin soccer