Friday, February 28, 2014

Girl's Shopping Trip

A and I had such a sweet morning out. We headed over to Babies-r-us to search for some new shoes and ended up spending 45 minutes walking down all the PINK aisles :) How sweet. She loved the Minnie Mouse and princess section. We left the store with a new Minnie, a book for A and her daddy, and no shoes.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Week 8

What a busy dad was able to go home after 6 days in the hospital for getting his appendix out, Eric and I celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary, a lot of soccer practices, games, school projects, etc..... but thankfully it was a week with no SNOW! yay!! It felt great to be able to take the twins outside for playtime without having to bundle them up.

*My nieces and nephews came over for a visit. Dance Parties are so much fun when you have your cousins over.

*I was able to head into L's class for some volunteer time on Friday. I love being back in the classroom, the kids are so sweet and getting extra time with L is a bonus!

*Can we say Dare Devil, yes this one is all boy!! Lets see what else I can try to balance on in this house.

*I am loving the whole bow tie look the teenagers are into.

*A was so excited when a sweet friend came over and dropped off some extra balloons they had from their daughters birthday party. I love the excitement on her face when we handed her one. The next morning she had to carry around her "ba-oons" while wearing her tutu and bow. Such a girl.

*This boy is keeping us busy with his extra soccer practices and extra activities right now. 3 late nights this week but this smile makes it all worth it!

*I love the sweet little gifts Eric and I picked out for each other this year. It really shows our love for each and the beach!!!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

17th Wedding Anniversary

Last night Eric and I headed out to celebrate our 17th wedding anniversary.

Before heading out we had C take a picture to show that we were actually making it out for a date night! We were laughing so hard because I have two little ones pulling on my dress.

On our way Eric pulled out a CD of special songs he made for me. Seriously how sweet is that!! We had so much fun listening to all of our songs.

We had a great dinner out at Twisted Fork.

 We ended our date night out at Target :) We kept laughing that our romantic night ended with us walking around Target picking up diapers, a new ice pack for the twins, materials for school projects, and groceries. The life of parents with 5 kids.

This morning the twins are running around the house, L is dribbling the soccer ball down the hallway, J is off at a friends house, C is still sleeping, and Eric is off playing in a soccer game. I am just sitting here enjoying a nice cup of coffee and smiling. I feel so blessed for the past 17 years. I am so thankful for the doors that opened to bring us up to NC. I am so thankful for Eric and the amazing husband and father he is for our family. I am thankful for our 5 kids, our sweet friends, church, and family. I am so thankful for all that we have been through the past 17 years that have brought us to the point where we are now. It has not always been easy. With all the joy we have shared we have also had our heartbreak and tears. We have lost grandparents, nieces, an uncle, friends, miscarried a child, we are watching our parents fight cancer. I am so thankful that I have Eric beside me through it all.

Happy Anniversary to my love, my best friend!!

A few of my favorite picture from the past 17 years......

Thursday, February 20, 2014

My sweet boys

These three are just too sweet. Don't get me wrong we have those days, the ones that doors may slam, eyes will roll, the deep sighs, etc...but on Valentine's Day these boys made our day. Every year we celebrate Valentine's Day as a family. Eric and I will try to have a lunch or dinner date out during that week but on the actual day we will do something together. This year the boys told us they wanted us to take the twins and hang out in our room at 5:20, once they finished making dinner they would come get us.

At 5:35 these 3 handsome gentlemen showed up at our door.

I had been spending special time with each of the kids that day but by dinner time C and I had not had our time together (we had planned to watch a movie). The boys walked Eric into the kitchen and C and I were escorted out to the porch where they had a table all prepared for dinner. The boys had taken their money and ordered pizza for dinner. They were so sweet serving us outside.

I had the best time sitting on the porch and catching up with C. Every time I turn around I am amazed how quickly he is growing. I know I do not have many Valentine's Day left with this one, I am going to treasure every one I can get!!

 Eric on the other hand was inside with the twins, poor M was screaming away because he wanted to be outside with us. A was as happy as could be with her own slice of pizza. M finally calmed down when the Little Debbie Snack Cakes came out :) Eric was able to have his own special Valentine's Day dinner with his little princess and the boys.

What an amazing Valentine's Day!
My sweet boys, I love you all so much!

Week 7

I am a little behind on my blog this week. My dad went in the hospital on Monday night to have his appendix removed, I have been heading up there any free time I can get to visit with him. The plan was for him to head home after a night in the hospital but he came down with an infection and now it looks like he will be in there until Saturday :( This is the first time he has been in the hospital, he is ready to get out! He does not do well with sitting around, he is so active and is always going, going, going!!

*Week 7 started out with another week of snow. It was beautiful but we are ready for spring!

Our Neighborhood

 *While the big boys were playing out in the snow I enjoyed some sweet cuddling time with these two cuties. PJ days are the best!

*How handsome are these boys...they made our Valentines day (I hope to have that blog up tomorrow :)

*The twins went to their first tumble gym class this week. They loved it. A loved the balance beam and M loved to run down the trampoline. They both did great when it was time to clean up all the balls with the other kids.

*For Christmas Eric gave me a Keurig Coffee maker, for Valentines day he gave me this sweet coffee mug (and chocolate). Yes he knows me so well!! I need my coffee to keep up with these 5!