Wednesday, September 30, 2015

September Recap

September started with a rainy day...
Caleb is driving everywhere now!

Joshua's academy soccer

Luke turned 11, 1st classic soccer, and hanging out with friends

Monday night soccer games

Ice Cream at Sonic
Soccer away with dad

Krispy Kreme


Happy Grandparent's Day

Family Basketball

 One sick day
 Finished September with more rainy days and new rain boots!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Luke-Classic Soccer

For the past 6 years Luke has gone to countless classic soccer games for both of his brothers, this year it is his turn! He is so excited to be playing on the U11 CASL academy! 

Caleb-High school soccer

It is varsity soccer time! We love heading out to cheer Caleb on for his games twice a week.  Soccer under the lights, playing against his club teammates, and the best fans to cheer him on.

Joshua-Academy Soccer

 Joshua started off the academy season with a great win in Charlotte. He was so excited that his first touch in the game was a goal! 2 goals, a great win for the team, and one very orange uniform- love it!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

End of summer fun-2015

To end our summer the family went to the twins favorite park. The boys are always such good sports to run around the playground making their little siblings laugh. After the playground we all went on one of the parks nature trails. Everyone took turns trying out the fitness stops. It was the sweetest time out with the entire family. Two hours of family time on a quiet Monday morning!