Sunday, July 28, 2013

Turning 39!!

Today I start my last year in my thirties :) Since 2 of the boys and Eric would be out of town for my birthday they started celebrating early! They are so sweet. Wednesday we had my parents, sister, and her kids over for dinner. On Friday L and I went out on a special date before Eric and J headed out of town for 5 days.  When it was time to go he brought me flowers and a 3 musketeers bar!
Love my family!
L's card-he has me on a Florida beach relaxing!!!

I can't believe we were able to get all the kids to look!
My birthday card from L

My birthday sign from C
My birthday sign from J was hanging on the garage
when I came home from shopping.
Eric wanted to make sure I had things to do on my
birthday since they would be gone.
 My new ipad will keep me busy.
He also bought 4 Nicholas Sparks movies :)

My yummy birthday cake J made by himself!
Ice Cream Sandwich Cake with Oreo toppings

to be
their mom!!

                                                    My handsome date at Mellow Mushroom!

My birthday breakfast. Eric and L ran out to Dunkin Donuts before he headed out of town. L wanted to make me a special breakfast, A was helping with the coffee,and M was ready to eat the donut :)

Such a special day!!!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Midweek Randoms

1. A few weeks ago I blogged about J wanting to do one more camp before heading back to school, Dad voted yes, Mom voted no.
 Dad (and J) won! They will be heading off on Saturday to take J to Atlanta for a soccer camp. J will be staying overnight and E will be getting a hotel nearby. I am excited for him, it is a really great opportunity. He will have to miss his first 3 days of middle school (the main reason my vote was no!) but this camp was by invite only and is held by one of England's top soccer teams.  

2. Tomorrow C is heading off to camp for 4 days. He will be with the varsity soccer team for team camp. I can not believe he is at the age to head off to high school camp! When he first mentioned going away with the varsity team he said for me not to worry all the boys were older (16 and 17). Yeah, that did not help. I am thrilled he gets this chance but I am sure I will be a nervous wreck until he gets back home on Sunday night!!

3.  Back to school shopping is finished for 2 of the boys! Target has the best school supplies and more! Their bags are all packed, school supplies are labeled, now it is time to enjoy their last few days of summer break!

4. If you need cute shoes for the little ones babies-r-us is having a great clearance sale right now! A and I could not pass up the chance to buy a few more pairs of shoes :)

5. This is my favorite book I am reading to the twins, we read it 3 or 4 times a day. How cute are those little twins :)

6. Jury Duty! I received my notice for jury duty to be held in August last week. I sent out a letter the next day asking to be exempt, I told them I did not qualify for any of the reasons listed on the excuse page but I had 5 kids, 2 who I needed to get off to school, twins who are just 13 months, and a husband who could not take off all day. I just received the letter that I am exempt :) Yay!!! So thankful I did not have to add jury duty to our crazy calendar!!!

I hope everyone is having a great week!!!

Monday, July 22, 2013

13 months

The twins are now very busy 13 month old toddlers!! When I say busy I mean crazy active. We have now transitioned from the sleep deprived stage to I can not leave these two alone for a minute phase.

A- my little princess.

She loves....
1. To dance, she will drop everything when she hears music playing.
2. Balls, she loves to kick any type of ball that is by her foot.
3. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, she will run in and wave hi to her "friends". As soon as the hot dog song starts she gets the biggest smile and is up to dance.
4. Shoes!!! A always has to have a pair of shoes on that she picks out each morning.

She does not like...
Hair bows! As soon as I put one in, she pulls it right out and hands it to me!

M- my sweet cuddle bug.

He loves...
1. To laugh, he will laugh at everything--his brothers are the best!
2. His doggies, he is so gentle with both dogs. He will slowly walk up to them and gently give them a pat on the head.
3. His books, reading time is one of his favorite times of the day.

He does not like...
bedtime right now :( As soon as we say night-night, he is in tears. I hope this phase goes by quickly!!

They both love..
1. to play chase
2. their house
3. reading time
4. their green chairs
5. Grilled cheese and bananas!!

These two little ones keep us on our toes...

I had my first chaotic experience with them both trying to run out the door while taking pizza from the delivery guy. Normally they sit in the hallway and watch when I open the door, not this time. I was talking to the man and they both jumped up. I would move one back and the other would have one foot out the door. I am sure the pizza man had a good laugh with that one. Note to self, make sure all baby gates are now locked before opening the front door!!!
Discussing what to get into next!

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse time!!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

iPhone pictures

 One of the blogs I follow has a monthly photo dump of all those iPhone photos you take. What a great idea!!! I hope to do this each month for all those times I just grab my phone camera instead of the Canon.  Here are a few from the past  month.....

The twins love their new water toy!
Guess who needs a bath!

Mommy thinks we are going to sleep-hahaha

A with her dolly
M with his teddy

A's soccer attire

 J at Futsal Nationals

Graduating from Elementary and Middle School

L's football team

Worn out from cheering on L at football

Reading time with J
Ice Cream Sundaes anyone??

I love my big brother

Almost as tall as Grandmother

New Futsal gear
Not happy!!
Summer soccer training!!

                                                                      4th of July