Thursday, November 5, 2015

A day at the park

To end the boys break from school we spent the morning at the park. The weather was great, the playground was empty, and the kids had a blast enjoying the last day off from school! After the park we stopped off for some special "Boo" Ice Cream Treats.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Halloween 2015

Happy Halloween!! This year Caleb was off to Charlotte to visit UNC Charlotte. Joshua was off to Winston-Salem with is soccer team. Eric was busy driving between both of the boys.

We started the morning with a trip to Krispy Kreme for doughnuts! Yay for free doughnuts in costumes!
 Halloween night Luke was off for his annual trick-or-treating with his soccer buddies.
The twins and I had fun trick-or-treating around the neighborhood and handing out candy!
My Ninja, Elsa, and Captain America

Caleb and Top Soccer

This fall Caleb was given the opportunity to volunteer every Sunday night with a local program, Top Soccer. Caleb along with 16 other players spent their Sunday evenings with a special buddy playing soccer. They did drills with them, they played games, and they just spent time with them. It was so amazing to see the love and compassion all these kids had for each other.

Fall Festival

The twins were excited to start the Halloween week off early with our church fall festival. Joshua and Luke joined us for some fun family time (Caleb was off volunteering with his soccer program). This was Luke's last year he could run around and do the activities, I can't believe next year he will be in the youth group helping out!