Sunday, July 24, 2016

Dating my husband- July

This month all the kids are home from school. We have spent most of the month traveling and having family time. Instead of going out to dinner we spent time outdoors. While in the mountains we would leave the kids at the house with my parents and we would enjoy a nice walk on the mountain. While we have been home we like to head out after the twins have gone to bed for a walk in the neighborhood. It is such a nice break to get some fresh air and spend time together. I love this time of year!

Special Talks with Grangran

While in the mountains my dad sat with each of the kids to have a talk....

Abby can never date

Water Gun Fun

One of the highlights for the kids is the epic water gun battles up in the mountains.

Trip to the Waterfall and moutain river

The boys love climbing the waterfall when they go up to the mountains. This time they brought Grangran with them. After the waterfall it was over to the river for some swimming.

4th of July

The kids love coming up to the mountains for an old hometown parade. We were all ready in our red, white, and blue to head down to Boone.
After the parade we went to the town square for cake and watermelon before heading back up the

Mountain Vacation

We were all looking forward to our first mountain trip of the summer. After a busy June it was nice to start July off with some family time. It is always so relaxing to come up to the mountains. We played corn hole, went fishing, went to the park, enjoyed long walks in the mountains, rocked in the rocking chairs, played Frisbee golf, made slingshots, and just had fun....We also loved being up there for 4th of July to enjoy the hometown parade and fireworks.

Luke- NCSU Soccer camp

Luke was so excited about his first sleep over camp. He has been counting down the days for months! We sent Luke with his good buddy Sawyer. Those two had a great time. They were right next door to

Twins First Movie

We took the twins to see their first movie- Finding Dory.

Abby was so excited about it, she kept telling everyone that Caleb's first movie was Finding Nemo.

Twins 4 year old update

Every year I try to get a special picture of the twins for their decorations and invitations.
I love to capture each of their personalities.

June Updates

Matthew finished school

This smile! I am so thankful we finished this class with smiles.
He was so excited to make his teacher a special thank you gift and bring it to her.
Every Friday I would take Matthew to a learning class. This class was to help him with his speech and work on learning what to expect school. After the first month I almost dropped out. Matthew

June-Dating my husband

The boys did not want us missing out on our monthly date. They offered to babysit one night so we could head out for a nice dinner at Twisted Fork. Yummy! It happened to be restaurant week so we tried some new dishes and dessert.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Saying goodbye to Elementary school

Wow, this was a hard one. For the past 12 years we have been walking thru the doors at Heritage, now it is time to say goodbye. I tell Luke all the time he started going to the school when I was pregnant with him. After he was born he was dragged to every school event and play. It was finally his turn to attend the school and just like that he is also finished.

Joshua-Graduating Middle School

It is hard to believe how quickly three years went by. When we found out Joshua was being sent to the new middle school it was not something we were looking forward to. He would be leaving his elementary school friends and switch tracks. He was ok with it, he was ready for middle school. What a great three years it has been. He did so well at the school. He made some great friends and was involved in some awesome clubs.

Caleb-Powerade State Games

Caleb had a great time playing on the east soccer team at the PowerAde State games. A weekend of soccer and getting the chance to play with some of his friends from other high schools-perfect!

Abby's swim lessons

This girl was so excited about taking her swim lessons. She did a great job and can not wait to take more lessons.

Father's Day

We could not wait to spoil Eric for Father's Day. The kids made Eric a special breakfast.

Happy 4th Birthday Twins!

We started the twins birthday off with their special birthday breakfast. Matthew wanted a donut and

Twins Birthday with friends

Instead of a large birthday party this year we had the twins each invite one special friend over for a little birthday party. They both were so excited to have Kenzie and Anthony over to help them kick off their birthday celebration. Abby wanted another princess party. Right now her favorite princess is Jasmine.  Matthew could not decide between soccer, xbox(just dance), or super heroes. We went with super heroes! He loves his Captain America. 

Family Birthday Party

With the twins birthday on the 15th and Jacob's birthday on the 16th we decided to have our family party at the same time. This year we celebrated at Aunt Kelly's house. The kids were so excited to play in their new backyard!! What an awesome birthday party!

Build A Bear with Grandmother and Grangran

When I asked Abby what she wanted for her birthday she said she wanted to go to build-a-bear with her grandparents. Perfect!! We met my parents at the mall and each of the twins picked out their special bear. Abby went for a rainbow bear- she named it Happy Rainbow! Matthew went for a Captain America Bear- he named it Captain America! (Since Caleb was off from school he came with us too). After we were finished with the bears the twins went with my dad and Caleb to Panera for a BIG cookie. Since it was their birthday treat they were so excited not to share. They said it was the biggest cookie ever!

DARE Graduation

Instead of a 5th grade graduation ceremony our school has a DARE Graduation after the kids complete their DARE course.  Luke was excited to be graduating with his track 2 friends who he started his elementary school years off with and track 4 who he finished elementary school with.

Last Day of Tot School for the twins!

The twins completed their first year at Mommy's Tot School. Each week we would work on a different letter or theme. We would take little field trips. We would do a lot of crafts, reading time, and worksheets. The worksheets were more for Abby, she loves writing and coloring. Matthew would do them only because Abby was. We spent a lot of time outdoors running and playing. Each week Abby would

Celebrating my dad

For Father's Day we invited my parents to meet us at the park, when they arrived we surprised my dad with an early Father's Day Party! I am so thankful that my parents live by us and we get to do these special outings with them.

                                Happy Father's Day Dad/Grangran!! We love you!

May Update

Since it is now July my May update will be a quick photo dump!

Joshua and his 8th grade dance

Joshua had a great time at his 8th grade school dance. He looked so handsome :) He went with a bunch of friends and after the guys spent the night over at our house.


1st Car

We finally found Caleb his first car. We wanted to make sure he was ready and we wanted to find a safe, reliable car. The nice thing about waiting was Caleb's car choices went from sporty to a truck to anything with 4 wheels! Check!
Caleb and his Nissan alitma!