Monday, May 5, 2014

things you have to laugh about.....

Life with little ones can bring a lot of laughter and tears at times. Lately we seem to have a lot of those little moments where we just have to sit back and laugh....

1.  When we tell A no for taking something she is not allowed to have she has a tendency to throw it behind her. She will act like she never had it her in hand and we have no idea what we are talking about. Not such a good idea when she is holding a wine glass she took from the china cabinet!!!

2.  M has a new little sound he likes to make, it is as if he is getting sick. It is wonderful when we are walking around somewhere and he very loudly makes this sweet sound. You have to love all the stares and looks in the back of the stroller. It also amazing how quickly people will move away from the stroller.

3.  The twins love the Tangled movie. Rapunzel is A's favorite princess, The Frying pan is M's favorite weapon! I could not understand why M kept hitting his brothers with the plastic frying pan until I watched the entire movie with the twins, so hard to correct him when he sees the princess running around hitting people!

4.  We had one of those meltdowns at the soccer field the other day, the one where all the parents turn and give you the sympathetic look but the same time the I am glad it is you not me look! Yes M proceeded to let everyone know he wanted to be out on the field with his brother. A had gone to play with some girls that day so it was just the two of us. He cried to go on the field, he cried for his sister, he cried just because! We finally found an empty field where he ran and ran and ran!

5.  Lesson learned, never let your child hold the ball that was just purchased at Target while you go to put the stroller in the back of the car. I had left A's door open after I buckled the two in, A decided to see how far the ball would roll down the Target parking lot and how quick mom could run after it!

I just love these two and all of our sweet, fun moments!!!

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