Friday, March 28, 2014

Our day

Our daily life with 7, it may be busy but we love it. Each day is different, some days the twins have tumble gym or my parents will be over for a visit. Some nights I actually have one of the boys home with me because they have the night off from soccer. Some days we have carpools with our amazing friends so we won't have to drag the twins out(yay)! 

We are so thankful for the sweet moments that happen everyday- Eric walks the boys down to the bus stop every morning, L and I race home every afternoon, the boys still like for us to come in their rooms at night to talk about their day and share about what they learned in their daily devotions.....our busy day, it is not always perfect or easy but we would not have any other way......

5:30- Time to start the day. (Coffee and some quiet time before the other 6 wake up)

5:45- Wake C up and get him out the door for the bus by 6:20 (can't you tell he is thrilled I am making him take a picture while waiting for the bus:)

6:30- Wake J and L up to get out the door by 7:20

Twins up, breakfast, and lots of hugs and kisses as they say goodbye to their brothers.
watching their brothers walk down the sidewalk to the bus stop
A little snuggle and tv time while waking up

Morning--Playtime, crafts, coloring, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, snacks, helping mommy with housework.....

11:15 Lunchtime

11:45 Naptime

2:00 Twins up, afternoon snack

2:40 C home

3:30 head to the bus stop to meet J 

3:40 L comes running home (I just love seeing this smile)

Carpool, homework, Soccer practices

5:00 Dinner for the twins and who ever is home at that hour!

7:00-7:30 Story time and twins go down for bed

8:15 Boys soccer practice ends, come home and get ready for bed....Eric heads off to his soccer games.

8:31 Time to relax.........

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